April 30, 2012


Let's consider this skirt my "capote," which is a magenta & gold cape used by matadors to observe a bull's behavior and quirks through a series of passes. Regardless of your opinion of bullfighting (mine is less than favorable), the cultural significance is undeniable in Latin American countries. So instead of imparting my ethical opinion on this practice, I'd like to focus on Ernest Hemingway. It's impossible to do a Google search of "bullfighting" without running across his name - try it! He frequented Pamplona and became fascinated with the sport stating, "Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter's honor." So, the connection between Ernest and bullfighting is clear, but why do I feel the need to discuss this literary hero? Mr. Hemingway has really permeated my being from an early age. Most notably, our annual family trips to Key West included visits to his home and meeting his cats (or their children and children's children). However, since studying existentialism, and of course, psychology, I have developed an insight into his motivation and view of the world, which is fascinating. Since I am now reading The Paris Wife, I'm sure I will gain a much deeper understanding of this complex, troubled, and inspiring man. Which authors challenge, inspire, or intrigue you?

Aryn K. skirt, Allen B. jacket, Target tee and necklace, Nine West sandals, Revlon Certainly Red lipstick

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